Thursday 27 September 2012

The first battle report

As we have a new range of figures available it would be remiss of us not play some games. This is the first game we played with the Martians and as such didn't really have the rules complete for them. The set we were using was Triumph and Tradegy with some alterations for the Martians themselves that still need a bit of tweaking. We left out the vehicle rules but will be looking at them in detail to allow for the various VSF contraptions that we can field.

One idea behind the games is to have a narrative campaign that will continue till the climax at next years Salute at the London Excel Centre on the 20th April

The basic set up was a four by four table, using some of the boards from the Salute 2012 game with a small mining encampment and a docked neff. Two units of Martians were dropped off by skiff and raided the camp which was defended by the miners and a small detachment of the Naval Brigade. A first contact situation you might say.

On to the photos...

The Martian force

The thin blue line

The Martians land on the docked Japanese neff 'Kaze' and start to decimate the crew

After killing the crew, the Martians decend to the ground and advance towards the enemy

Fierce fighting ensues but the British line holds

The Martian Warleader tackles Lt A A Milne of the Naval Brigade and takes him down

The raid was to of no avail as the Martians were soundly beaten but an overhead skiff noted the Earther ways of battle and another warclan is being prepared. They will return...

Not the best selection of photos but it conveys what happened. I'm actually pleased with some of the really red looking ones as it looks like a Martian sunrise, I didn't do anything, that's just how they came out. We'll be playing again on Wednesday and will have more troops this time. The rules used were T+T (Triumph and Tragedy) and although no real VSF contraptions were used they seemed to work very well. A few alterations for the Martians will be implemented for the next game along with some basic flying rules for neffs and skiffs. I can't wait !!!


Friday 21 September 2012

A short treatise on Martian history

Thousands of years ago, Martians lived a semi peaceful existence thriving on the rich fertile lands, building great cities along the vast canals which were the lifeblood of the planet and were quite possibly their greatest achievement. From these cities great riches were earned, traded and secured and the Martian culture grew and spread.

With any growing civilisation, technology developed and better means of transportation, architecture, art and science were developed. A fortunate discovery of a particular gemstone by a leading Martian scientist  enabled the Martians to develop flight and a golden age was born. Utilising the properties of these gems the Martians built flying vessels which propelled them into the skies. From these skyships they journeyed far and wide into hitherto unexplored regions of the red planet.

The vast mountain ranges, previously inaccessible and unoccupied, began to attract explorers and who eventually created homes and communities in the lofty peaks. Martian culture began to split and fragment between the traditionalists who believed in the riches of the soil and trade to sustain their lives and the forward thinking 'Sky' Martians who believed in the properties of the gems to be a gift of the neglected Martian gods. Taking to the sky was the only way forward. Even though their culture split, there was no real enmity between the two, they still traded and dealt with each other amicably. This was until the storms came.

Mars has always had severe dust storms; sometimes lasting for days on end and covering the entire planet but the Martians dealt with them without any major hardships and they were part of life on Mars. This was until the biggest storms the planet had ever seen. They slowly built up over the years to an alarming frequency until the entire planet was one massive storm without end. It lasted from for well over a century. Because of the continual bombardment, hardy crops failed and the Martians themselves had to go into hiding, many of them dying even as they sheltered in the caves of the mountains. Entire cities and clans were lost along with technologies, knowledge and priceless art works. The Martian way of life had changed forever.

By the time the storms abated the Martian population was seriously depleted and an effort was made by the 'City' Martians to try to gain what was lost. The problems arose from the fact that famine had struck even before the storms receded. Trade between Sky and City Martians had always been on good terms but now the City Martians were stockpiling what little was left or that they could grow from the ravaged land. Tensions started to fray as the Sky Martians weren't able to get what they needed to survive and so hostilities arose. Raids on the remaining cities became more and more frequent, first without bloodshed but soon the killing began and eventually war erupted across the planet.

The Sky Martians developed into a warrior culture, honing their combat skills and ways of war. They would sweep from the skies; usually out of the sun; in fast skiffs and steal whatever they could carry away to their clans back in the mountains, usually leaving before their frightened victims had time to react. The City Martians were quite slow to react due to their nature and lack of a need to fight for supplies but their retributions could be terrible. Any City Martian who was found to be sympathetic to the Sky Martians was immediately put to death along with their entire family. Whole outlying villages and it's population were burned if any suspicion of harbouring food was found out. Inevitably, the Sky Martians exacted similar retributions, swooping down and destroying the slow moving canal caravans, even if there was no food to be had and leaving no survivors. Their tactics evolved and soon whole clans would join forces and attack the cites, forming massive fleets of attack skiffs.

Then an unprecedented event occurred: a new race appeared on the surface of Mars. Humans had crossed the aether and landed on the red planet. At first the City Martians were cautious but eventually saw the opportunities for trade, advancement, military aid, food and advanced weapons technology.

The Sky Martians remained aggressive and did not seek to make amends with their cousins or the new invader...

Welcome to the Red Planet

Sunday 9 September 2012

Skiff wip

Just a short post showing the progress on the Martian skiff wip. There will be two versions available; a basic kit and a master kit. The basic kit will have just enough for you to get it table ready and the master version will have a whole host of detials and extras (such as vacformed sails, rigging etc), a set of instructions will most likely be provided as well.

The approximate size at the moment is 350mm long, 170mm wide with the yard arms and about 200mm high with the masts but this might change ever so slightly (it is a wip after all).

The price is unknown at this time as there are a few key elements that need to be decided on how they will be cast and out of what material.

It can hold 17 figures on 25mm round bases and there will be a trimsman supplied (who isn't included in the figure count). This means there is enough room for two squads plus a leader: In our games we use eight man squads.

Thank you for looking :-)

Friday 7 September 2012

Figure photos and some news

Good evening :-)

We've taken a few, better photos of the first releases; both painted and unpainted basically to show you what you get in a pack and the configurations possible. There is also a picture of a new realease and some news of what's in the pipeline.

Firstly a picture of the pack contents for the first releases. The infantry pack has four different leg options, two different heads (enough to have the entire pack with the same head gear), an assortment of weapons and enough arms for the bodies supplied.

The leader is a single casting but there are more leader types in progress, possibly with multipart options but that yet to be decided.

Next is a picture of an infantry pack assembled. The amount of different poses available, even without conversion, is quite good. With conversion, the possiblities are endless :-)

 Here is a comparison shot with an Oshiro Japanese officer from the Boxer rebellion range and a Wargames Foundry Imperial Chinese infantryman. Our Martians were made to be big!

Here we have a warband ready to reign terror on the earthers...

What we have coming up next are some missile troops and these will be released very soon (before Warfare). Spiky bolas!


Very soon there will be pictures of a Martian skiff that will be realesed as a kit and it will have enough room to hold 17 Martians plus some crew. We will also have some photos of the lower class troops and some different weapons. There will also be some battle reports showing our Martians in themed terrain just to help you visualise them on the field of combat.

Thank you :-)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Welcome to the Red Planet

Welcome to Red Planet Miniatures.

This is a new venture that will be bringing a whole new range of Martian figures to the wargaming market but also we will be creating a background and ethos for the red planet that will hopefully appeal and inspire.

The first figures are available and the purchased details are in the side bar to the right. Any questions or comments then please post them and we'll reply as best we can.

We will also be having battle reports and progress posts of things that will be included in the range, we will not be restricting ourselves to Martians but all will be revealed. Also there will be scenery posts showing what we are doing for terrain to bring the red planet to life.

We will have better pictures in the coming weeks and the ones below will be replaced but here are a couple to give you an idea.

Thank you and Welcome to the Red Planet