Friday 7 September 2012

Figure photos and some news

Good evening :-)

We've taken a few, better photos of the first releases; both painted and unpainted basically to show you what you get in a pack and the configurations possible. There is also a picture of a new realease and some news of what's in the pipeline.

Firstly a picture of the pack contents for the first releases. The infantry pack has four different leg options, two different heads (enough to have the entire pack with the same head gear), an assortment of weapons and enough arms for the bodies supplied.

The leader is a single casting but there are more leader types in progress, possibly with multipart options but that yet to be decided.

Next is a picture of an infantry pack assembled. The amount of different poses available, even without conversion, is quite good. With conversion, the possiblities are endless :-)

 Here is a comparison shot with an Oshiro Japanese officer from the Boxer rebellion range and a Wargames Foundry Imperial Chinese infantryman. Our Martians were made to be big!

Here we have a warband ready to reign terror on the earthers...

What we have coming up next are some missile troops and these will be released very soon (before Warfare). Spiky bolas!


Very soon there will be pictures of a Martian skiff that will be realesed as a kit and it will have enough room to hold 17 Martians plus some crew. We will also have some photos of the lower class troops and some different weapons. There will also be some battle reports showing our Martians in themed terrain just to help you visualise them on the field of combat.

Thank you :-)


  1. Those miniatures looks great!! Looking forward to seeing the skiff.

  2. Thank you.

    Should have some skiff wips later today (after Colours).

  3. These are wonderful - will you be offering separate packs of weapons for conversion purposes?

  4. We will indeed, I'm working on some hand weapons at the moment and also some spiky bolas for the Sky Martians weapon of choice.
