Sunday 18 November 2018

A small Martian burial mesa

As mentioned in an earlier text, if a Martian family are too far away from a burial vale then they will make do with a lonely mesa for their tomb.

This project concentrates on one of the smaller of such tombs near New Victoria.

A suitable sized base was picked out and the main 'core' was roughed out with large cork bark pieces. An open entrance way was left at the 'front' to act as the entrance to the tomb. This would be covered by carved blue foam.

Some columns (soon to be released) were added to the front with one collapsed and were sprayed dark brown prior to the rest to ease painting.

Once the form was complete the small gaps were filled in with cork off cuts and glued in place. Also, the surrounding levels were added with normal filler and the whole lot was left to dry.

The front of the tomb was made from blue foam and was distressed with small rocks to give it a aged, worn appearance. Also, there were clan/family markings 'drawn' on the foam with a ball point pen. This was then coated with wood glue to help seal it before painting could begin.

The top surfaces of the temple were covered in sand and also the base was given a coating and again, this was left to dry.

Once dry he same colours were used on the cork as before and the carved stone work and columns used the same method as the Sky Martian enclave and the sand was the same as on all the terrain and figure bases. All that is left is to use it in game...

Thanks for reading :-)


  1. Thanks for the info. I was looking at your mesas and admiring them. I'm a little unclear....are they essentially solid through out (except for the entrance to the catacombs)? Or do you build some sort of roof/floor for the filler to go onto at the top?

    1. No worries :-)

      The cork is pretty much rounded (following the curve) and there is a 10mm blue foam roof that's then been covered in filler then sand.



  2. Nice job. Where do you get your cork?

    1. Thanks Baron,

      Just from the local pet shop. They occasionally do a 'buy one get one free' which cn be worth a gander.



  3. I like that you left the cork unpainted. It looks perfect just as it is.

    1. It's had a bit of a wash of watered down sepia ink and then given a light drybrush of the base colours but the natural colour of the material comes through.


