Mars is dying...

Mars is dying...

Not through fault or neglect or wicked reason, not even because of the Gods; though some would say this is so. Mars is dying because it is old.

For time beyond count, our world has floated with the orb of the sun god, basking in the everwarmth that it provides, the Martian brothers sailing around giving constant company.

The Ancients warned the death of Mars might be so. Long, long ago; before the Storm. It is said the Storm lasted for an age or more: I for one, do not believe this to be true even though the clan elders warn me against foolish words.

There are still some Ancient writings in the deep deserts for those who wish to learn and are willing to brave sandstorms and the creatures that live there. Most of our knowledge from before the Storm comes from stories told around the clan fires, told again and again, embellished ever so lightly with each clan teller so who knows what is true and what is not.

With each storm season, the Ancient houses and temples disappear and reappear so fast that is easy to loose them completely, Gods know how large their cites were or what final secrets they contain. Three whole clans have been lost searching for the chief city with no sign or call from them these long years past.

But now we have new troubles and concerns. The Earthers have come to Mars: to steal and pillage what they can and to take it away to their blue world. Curse them to the Gods! They have no right, no honour and no need to be here. Like parasites they come here destroying whatever they touch and leaving mayhem in their wake.

They must be sent back across the sky ocean to their blue world.

They must be stopped.

It must happen now!

Sunday 25 November 2018

Martian Burial Sites and Rituals. Part Two

Following recent expeditions into the areas around New Victoria and the discovery of new tombs that have recently been uncovered by storms, we can now continue the treatise on Martian burial rituals.

As we have previously discovered, the City Martians have rites and burials not unsimilar to ancient Egyptian practises. A recent expedition into one of the sealed tombs has allowed a more detailed study of the interiors. Each generation has a ‘level’ of the tomb with the oldest one being the first and newer ones interred further underground; why this is the case has not yet been ascertained.

The layout of a ‘typical’ level of a tomb consists of a main chamber and several side chambers. The main chamber usually contains another processional way of columns that help to support the ceiling/roof above leading to what we are calling a ‘generational alter’. This alter would appear to be the repository for the deceased possessions that were included with the funeral although none have been entered to confirm this. The side chambers contain the sepulchres of the family members, usually plain and unadorned unless that particular family member had achieved something of note for the clan.

There are usually several side chambers per level containing a generations worth of the dead numbering around ten to twelve. Females are interred on the left and males on the right with one per chamber running parallel to the processional way. Ebenezer Von Stypher-Dyke is currently researching this and we hope to gain some answers from him in the near future.

Steps down to the next level are behind the generational alter and are wide enough to allow the procession to proceed unhindered. The steps sweep round so the next level is underneath the one above and this 'switchback' method continues down and down throughout the generations. New chambers and levels are cut out of the bedrock when the last member of the last generation has passed over. Sand from the surface is spread over the floor of the chambers and the most amazing thing is the use of glowing gems in the ceilings which when torches and electric lights are extinguished the chamber gives the impression of being out in the open at night. It's most breathtaking.

Although of course to our knowledge none of the gems have been taken, their use would prove most useful as they appear to be permanently alight but where they are found has yet to be discovered and the City Martians which we have good contact with are reticent to tell us where the are located.


  1. Lovely to see a storyline developing, often this is as cool as the resulting games/AARs.
    Great stuff keep it up!

  2. Thank you kindly Captain, it's been fun making it all up :-)


